Weapons of war …

I have very tight calves today, I’m sure as a result of my 4km on the treadmill last night. I did manage to get a 6km run done tonight, not too pacey at 5:28 min/km, so I’m counting the 4km on the treadmill and tonight’s 6km as the 10km run that was in the plan for yesterday. Then tonight a short 15 minute home workout which was mainly the battle against the calves and the physio prescribed exercises for my knee.

I seem to be in a constant war with my tight calf muscles. I have been really good, well okay obsessional (is that a word?) about stretching and massaging them, but still they persist. My current weapons in the war with my calves are;

The Stick – great for inflicting pain and getting out knots

AOK Foam Roller – great for a body-weight powered self massage

Tiger Balm – warms me up and calms meย down

But I am introducing a new “weapon of mass destruction” into this war with my tight calves. More news on that once the battle has been engaged (and hopefully won).

7 Responses to “Weapons of war …”

  1. sassydrcil Says:

    weapons of mass destruction….have you been watching too much telly, andrew?

  2. Twocatz Says:

    Fingers crossed it works for you like it has for me

  3. katsmumblings Says:

    I am a huge fan of the foam roller, with lots of heel raises and drops on the stairs thrown in.

  4. Beki Says:

    I know what your secret weapon is ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Kath (My Funny Little Life) Says:

    Hahaha, I love the weapon arsenal you’ve put up on here! ๐Ÿ˜€ Stick and foam rollar aren’t familiar to me, but I’ve grown up with tiger balm! Great stuff! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Have you tried bathing? A hot bath always helps me to relax my muscles. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. shells Says:

    I’ve got a foam roller and tiger balm, I do stair lifts/drops – I have no idea what The Stick is, but I want one! I too have got problematic tight calves.

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