
Another horribly busy day at work – it’s getting worse!

Playing taxi again tonight, have taken Chris into the city to another concert (someone called Mastodon, don’t ask me who they are), and am going back in to pick him up about 11.30pm.

Just did a short home workout tonight, consisting mainly of the three challenges. That’s the end of week 1, I think it is the sit-ups where I will start to struggle first.

Is anyone out there planning on doing the Melbourne Summer Cycle on 21st February?

100PU/200SU/200Sq Week1-Day3 (70,90,106) – successful

4 Responses to “Taxi!”

  1. Em Says:

    They are a heavy metal band πŸ™‚

  2. Bill Says:

    Don’t worry AJH, my daughter goes to BDO tomorrow and I have no idea who she is seeing. Though I will say I was impressed that the band “Art v Science” actually made a point of changing their name from “Art verse Science” to “Art versus Science!” (yes, I am THAT anal!)

  3. Bill Says:

    Oh, and with the fitness regime, I am impressed: Push Ups, Sit Ups AND Squats!

  4. jojo Says:

    yeah im playing taxi at the moment too!

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