Australian King Parrots

Wow, back at work to a day full of meetings, and at the end of the day I’ve still got 180 un-read emails. That’s the only down-side to taking time off isn’t it, nobody does your work for you while you’re away. Anyway, not to dwell on that, here’s the first installment (of many) of photographs from the weekend.

Australian King Parrots (Alisterus scapularis) are beautiful, but pretty common birds along the east coast of Australia. At Lemonade Creek Cottages (and in many other places) they are the easy ones to photograph because they become quite tame and used to humans. At the cottages they would readily eat seed from your hand. The male bird has a brilliant scarlet head, neck and underbody, the rest green. The female has a green head and neck.

Australian King Parrot (male) 2012-02-17 (_MG_2780)
Male Australian King Parrot (close-up)

Australian King Parrot (male) 2012-02-19 (_MG_3099)
Male Australian King Parrot, ready to pounce from above

Australian King Parrot (female) 2012-02-18 (_MG_3048)
Female Australian King Parrot (close-up)

Australian King Parrot (female) 2012-02-17 (_MG_2753)
Female Australian King Parrot, sitting on the arm of the chair

An interesting detail I noticed as I was examining the first photo above was that in the fully enlarged version, you can see a reflection of me taking the photo in the parrots eye (see below).

Reflection of me taking photo (look for my blue jeans)

2 Responses to “Australian King Parrots”

  1. Kath (My Funny Little Life) Says:

    Wow, soooooooo many emails! 😦

    I love the parrot pics! I can never get enough of your pictures! 😀 Thank you for sharing!

  2. Ewen Says:

    They’re a spectacular bird. See them down at my brother’s place but not up here.

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